Phone orders welcome - 1300 190 403

Order Acceptance

a)  These terms and conditions as well as any Customer credit application, executed by or on behalf of the Customer apply to every sale contract between the Supplier and the Customer and by the Supplier to the Customer and any terms and conditions of the Customer's order and or any other terms whether oral or in writing which may deviate from or are inconsistent with these terms and conditions are expressly excluded , obviated and rejected by the Supplier. This exclusion and rejection includes and statement by the Customer that the Customer's terms and conditions shall prevail notwithstanding and stipulation by the Customer regarding the manner of declaring such rejection.


b)  A contract is only concluded between the Supplier and Customer for the supply of goods when the order has been accepted by the Supplier. The terms of this Clause apply to every quotation or offer by the Supplier for the supply of goods. In the event that the Supplier accepts an order, such order remains subject to the availability of goods ordered, and the Supplier shall be entitled to satisfy an order only in part or at a later time in accordance with the availability of goods ordered, and no liability shall be taken by the Supplier in respect of any unavailability of any goods ordered at any time and from time to time.


c)  The Customer shall make order in writing, via email, or online via the Supplier's website. In the event that the Customer attempts to make a verbal order, where the Supplier, in it's sole and unfettered discretion, elects to satisfy such order, the Supplier may by email confirm such order with the Customer, and immediately after sending such email shall be entitled to satisfy such order on the terms and conditions of the order as confirmed by the Supplier. The terms and conditions of any confirmation of order sent by the Supplier in accordance with this clause shall be conclusive evidence of the terms and conditions of the order, and any alleged term or condition which is inconsistent with such terms and conditions whether oral or in writing shall be void.